Allied Health Sciences

The First Student Forum of the Faculties of Applied Health Sciences Technology at Galala University

We are pleased to announce the establishment of the first student forum for the faculties of technology of applied health sciences at Galala University. The forum is an excellent opportunity for communication and acquaintance between students in various universities and to share knowledge and experiences in the fields of applied health sciences.

Forum Details:

· Date: [August 31, 2023]

· Location: [Galala University, Suez]

The forum will feature a range of exciting activities and events, including:

1. Lectures and seminars dealing with various topics in the fields of applied health sciences technology.

2. Practical workshops that enable students to acquire practical and interactive skills in the field.

3. A forum for discussion and exchange of ideas and experiences among students.

4. An opportunity to present innovative student research and projects.

We invite all our students at the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Technology at Badr University in Cairo to participate in the Student Forum. This will be a valuable opportunity to expand your knowledge and build strong networks with fellow students. To attend the forum, please register via the link before [August 30, 2023]. Please note that places are limited, so please register as soon as possible to ensure your place is booked and join the group through WhatsApp shown via the registration form.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the program coordinators through the attached form via the link.

We look forward to meeting you at the first student forum of the Faculties of Applied Health Sciences Technology at GALALA University. Come and be part of a useful and enjoyable experience.




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