BUC Plant Tissue Culture Lab (BPTCL)

Specialized laboratories in the field of Plant Biotechnology


Plant Tissue Lab
Outdoor Tissue Culture Lab

Plant Tissue Culture Lab

Plant tissue culture is one of the most modern and important scientific and applied techniques. Plant tissue culture is a fundamental pillar of plant biotechnology, also known as Green Biotechnology. This technique contributes to achieving food security and reducing plant imports. This is accomplished by popularizing the idea of tissue culture and establishing specialized laboratories.  Green biotechnology is essentially nucleus for the propagation of seedlings, agricultural and horticultural crops, economically viable medicinal and aromatic plants.


The unit was established in April 2022, under the patronage of Dr. Hassan El-Kalla, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Badr University in Cairo, in his belief in the role of plant tissue culture technology in advancing agricultural technology through the propagation and production of high-quality seedlings free of diseases. Also the development of strains capable of adapting to varying environmental and climatic conditions and preserving rare genetic assets.


Leading tissue culture technology in seedling cultivation and large-scale production to overcome the insufficiency of seedlings in the market and providing high quality seedlings with preserving outstanding germplasm


  • Train highly skilled graduates in plant biotechnology who are equipped to excel in the job market
  • Providing scientific advice in the field of plant tissue culture
  • Produce a variety of agricultural seedlings to satisfy market demands
  • Develop research in the field of plant biotechnology to overcome the problems of traditional agriculture
Plant Tissue Lab 2


  • Educational and research process: theoretical and practical studies for students and researchers to prepare trained scientific cadres capable of keeping pace with the rapid development in this technology
  • The tissue culture lab provides special training tools for students and researchers in various fields of tissue culture and vegetative propagation and beneficiaries from different parties in proportion to the nature of the trained groups and the objective of the training course
  • Production and marketing: The tissue culture lab contributes effectively to the production of high-quality agricultural seedlings, which are widely recognized from a marketing perspective


    • Production of sugar cane seedling with good qualities and tolerance to drought stress
    • in vitro propagation of jojoba (green gold) seedling
    • Production of high-quality date palm seedlings
    • Production of high-quality banana seedlings
    • Producing of haploid plants to obtain genetically homozygous diploid plants
    • Applications of tissue culture studies in pharmaceutical technology
Plant Tissue Lab 2
Plant Tissue Lab 3


  • Seedling Production

We produce exceptional seedlings and conduct genetic fingerprinting to ensure they align with high-quality genetic origins

  • Educational and Research Field

We strive to support the educational process for biotechnology students and others; while welcoming opportunities for collaboration in research and development to advance the field of plant biotechnology

  • Consultation and Support

We are ready to offer guidance and support in establishing a top-tier plant tissue culture laboratory, including preparing tissue culture media, sterilization, and cultivation techniques to produce high-quality seedlings

  • Proposed training courses and workshop

Offering training courses and workshops for students, researchers, and individuals interested in the following fields: 

    • Principle of plant tissue culture
    • Trend in plant tissue culture
    • Molecular marker technologies and applied in plant tissue culture
    • Implementing plant tissue culture to enhance and produce secondary metabolites
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Our Products

  • Banana (Musa sp)
  • Dragonfruit (Hylocereus undatus)
  • Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa)
  • Jamun (Syzygium cumini)
  • Peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii)
  • Cordyline (Cordyline terminalis)
  • Sugar bush (Stevia rebaudiana)
  • Pineapple (Ananas comosus)
  • Jojoba (Simmondisa Chinensis)
  • Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera)
  • Latania Palm (Latania borbonica)
  • Passionfruit (Passiflora edulis)
  • Potato (Solanum tuberosum)
  • Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
  • Avocado (Persea americana)
  • Neem (Azadirachta indica)
  • Schefflera (Schefflera arboriecola)

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