Ensuring healthcare quality services and patient safety is a critical objective and should be a strong focus of every leader in healthcare practice. This Diploma provides healthcare quality practitioners and other healthcare providers with the sufficient knowledge and skills needed to lead quality management activities and accreditation initiatives at the micro and macro levels in different healthcare organizations.
The Diploma focuses on the theoretical and practical skills necessary for improving healthcare delivery systems and changing the policy landscape of our healthcare system. It is designed for clinical and non-clinical healthcare professionals who want to focus their career development on improving healthcare delivery systems, particularly regarding quality and accreditation.
The curriculum is based on the quality accreditation system in the hospital, giving the trainee rich experience in every aspect of the quality management system.
This executive-style program incorporates distance-learning components to allow students to meet their educational goals while continuing their careers or health profession.
Upon completion of the HQA Diploma, the participants will be able to:
Academic Modules | Course Code | Diploma Curriculum (30 credit hours) |
1 | HQA7101 | Organizational Leadership & Management (2 CH)
Organizational Leadership Field Study (1 CH)
2 | HQA7102 | Healthcare Personnel Management (2 CH)
Practical Human Resources Management Project (1CH)
3 | HQA7103 | Patient-Centered & Integrated Care Services (2CH)
National Safety Requirements Field Study (1CH)
4 | HQA7204 | Operative & Diagnostic Services Standards (2CH)
Practical Accreditation Project (1 CH)
5 | HQA7205 | Risk Management in Health service organizations (2 CH) |
6 | HQA7206 | Environmental and Patient Safety (3 CH) |
7 | HQA7207 | Quality & Performance Improvement (1 CH)
Practical Quality Improvement Project (2 CH)
8 | HQA7308 | Infection Prevention & Control in Quality System (2 CH) |
9 | HQA7309 | Information Management & Technology (1 CH)
Practical Information Management Project (1 CH)
10 | HQA7310 | Accreditation & Excellence Recognition (2 CH) |
11 | HQA7311 | Hospital Accreditation Case Study (4 CH) |
This Diploma is conducted by hybrid learning methodology; the core of the Diploma consists of 11 modules, conducted over 3 semesters, every semester starts with a three-day Immersion sessions coursework held at Badr University Cairo campus followed by modules conducted through the time of study and conducted through distance-learning sessions controlled remotely.
Each semester runs for 12 weeks, with a final assessment held at the end of the semester. Distance-learning sessions for each applicable course will typically be held one evening per week and can be attended from anywhere. Every module contains 36 hours of practical hospital application on accreditation standards including 6 hours of hospital field visits; participants also begin formulating and implementing their related practical projects.
Module Overview:
This module is considered an introduction to quality and accreditation, with a detailed comprehension of organizational leadership concepts, including the organizational structure, management and leadership, and various management operations of health care organizations.
Qualified and trained healthcare leadership is essential to ensure that healthcare services can keep up with the customers’ changing needs. As more individuals become eligible to lead in the healthcare field, more leaders will work effectively to help tackle various challenges and problems.
Module Outline:
Module Overview:
Healthcare organizations need an appropriate variety of skilled, qualified people to fulfill their mission & meet patient’s needs.
The organization’s workforce refers to the staff within the organization. Planning for the appropriate number and skill mix of the force is essential.
Clear job descriptions, strong orientation & training programs help the staff to deliver proper healthcare.
This module is designed to provide healthcare providers & quality professionals with essential information regarding the different aspects of understanding, implementing, and monitoring Healthcare accreditation standards of workforce management.
Module Outline:
Module Overview:
Providing safe & high-quality care and optimizing patient experience has been considered the main global concern of the healthcare industry for the past two decades. Healthcare organizations all over the world are striving to reach optimal standards of care provision as well as patient satisfaction.
This module is designed to provide quality professionals and healthcare providers with essential information concerning the different aspects of understanding, implementing, and monitoring better patient care.
Module Outline:
Module Overview:
The module offers actual experience-based knowledge about the know-how of national and international accreditation standards’ implementation and sheds light on common pitfalls affecting the quality and safety of service.
It also provides the knowledge and necessary information on the principal relevant regulations needed to deliver compliant services.
Module Outline:
Module Overview:
Healthcare facilities are a risky place due to the presence of highly complex systems. Stakeholders are required to work continuously to ensure the safety and efficiency of these systems and processes. High-risk areas should be identified and inspected to proactively limit risks regarding general safety and security, hazardous materials, and waste management.
Fire and non-fire internal emergencies should be critical targets for proper handling and safe evacuation of patients and others. Disaster preparedness is considered a big challenge for health care facilities.
These conditions necessitate the development of a clear plan with risk assessment & with clear responsibilities.
Biomedical devices require highly competent staff, with appropriate documented training, to be appropriately handled to keep patients and staff safe. Healthcare facilities critical systems need to be under regular maintenance, inspection, and regular testing both proactively and reactively on sudden failure, together with continuous monitoring
Module outline:
Module Overview:
The Healthcare facilities safety module is considered the cornerstone for efficient facility management.
The module also provides an overview of various safety issues that need to be addressed by each organization. It offers adequate knowledge and necessary information, and essential tools and techniques to understand patient safety principles comprehensively. The module uses a competency-based approach, which focuses on transferring the proper skills needed to engrain patient safety in all aspects of healthcare
Module Outline:
Module Overview:
Every process in any industry should be improved continuously, and the healthcare industry is no exception. Leadership support, well-established processes, active participation of all heads of departments and staff are essential elements to create & sustain continuous quality improvement & performance management framework.
Module Outline:
Module Overview:
Clean, safe care is one of the patient’s rights and should be the slogan of all health care workers. Infection prevention and control (IPC) is a cross-cutting issue in all health care services. IPC is a scientific approach and practical solution designed to provide safe and high-quality care aiming to prevent harm caused by infection to both patients and healthcare providers. IPC provides an environment and system of respect that minimizes infection risk to patients, staff, and visitors.
This module provides essential IPC information for healthcare professionals & enables them to build up their capacity to be aligned with national and international IPC standards.
Participants will learn how to monitor a comprehensive IPC program to prevent infections, protect patients, visitors, and health care workers, and comply with accrediting and regulatory requirements through evidence-based best practice that reduces risks.
Module Outline:
Module Overview:
The massive evolution in information technology necessitates knowing how to utilize data adequately to obtain helpful information. Such information will be the source of measures which will guide you in making the right decisions at the right time.
Practically, the information management process must ensure patient safety, continuity of care, security, and confidentiality of information. Maintaining patient confidentiality is an ethical and legal concern, especially with the emerging technology & implementation of electronic information systems.
Module Outline:
Module overview:
Accreditation is a process of review that allows healthcare organizations to demonstrate their ability to meet regulatory requirements and standards established by a recognized accreditation organization such as GAHAR, CBAHI, or JCI. Accreditation reflects the hospital’s dedication and commitment to meet standards that demonstrate higher performance and patient care.
The module’s main aim is to enhance the healthcare delivery system and promote continuous quality improvement and patient safety.
Accreditation programs should be supported as a tool to improve the quality of healthcare services.
Module Outline:
Module Overview:
The main goal is to analyze, assess and evaluate the clinical part of the diploma. The graduate at the end of the module will be able to critically appraise actual implementation and its effect on the enhancement of the health care delivery system and promote continuous quality improvement of patient safety. The learner will be able to offer remedial actions to improve health care and initiate advanced strategies for change. The clinical training will prepare the candidate for provision of an innovative plan and visible solution under the supervision of the academic and service staff.
Module Outline:
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Hotline: 19592
Office Number: +2 02 286 504 00
Address: Entertainment Area, Badr City, Cairo, Egypt