• The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; and tables are placed at the end of the text after references, Figures legend are supplied at the end (after tables), and all illustrations and figures are supplied as separate files.
  • Original Articles should be arranged as follows: (1) Title page; (2) an Abstract of up to 250 words (with no sub-headings), which should emphasise objectives, the experimental procedure, results and conclusions; up to five Keywords in alphabetical order and in Title case should be supplied below the Abstract; (3) the main text must be sub-divided into Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions; (4) Acknowledgements; (6) References; (7) Tables; (8) Figure legends; (9) Figures (uploaded as separate files).
  • The Reference in the text should be by the author family name and year (Yang et al., 2010), while the reference list at the end of the paper should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if necessary. References should be single spaced and a line break should be inserted between each reference. Volume numbers and full page numbers should be provided.

Example: Yang, Y., Dahly-Vernon, A.J., Blomme, E.A.G., Lai-Zhang, J., Kempf, D.J., Marsh, K.C., Harrington, Y.A., Nye, S.H., Evans, D.L., Roman, R.J. et al., 2010. Liver transcriptomic changes associated with ritonavir-induced hyperlipidemia in sensitive and resistant strains of rats. Vet. J. 185, 75-82.

• All authors’ names and email address should be provided.

• Plagiarism must be less than 20%

• All authors’ names and email address should be provided.

• Plagiarism must be less than 20%

Kindly submit your abstracts and research papers to the following Emails

Prof. Dr. Wageh Darwish’s  Email: wagehdarwish@gmail.com

BUC School of Veterinary Email:  vetconference2022@buc.edu.eg

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