Insight into Digital PCR Seminar

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Maisa Abdel-Moneim Amara Dean of the School of Biotechnology and Professor Dr. Mahmoud Fahmy al-Sabahy, Vice President of the University for Scientific Research Affairs, and Dr. Enas Abdul-Raouf, Professor of Biotechnology, A seminar entitled” Insight into Digital PCR Seminar” has been held. The symposium has been delivered by Dr. Mazen Bar-Eldeen and Dr. Mahmoud ElSayed, representing Clinilab, Qiagen.
The one-day seminar has tackled the following:
• Introduction to QIAGEN Solutions.
• RT-qPCR Vs. Digital PCR Technology
• The power of QIAcuity Digital PCR partitioning.
• Applications of QIAcuity dPCR.