
Degree and Title:
Bachelor’s degree in Applied Arts

Study Hours/Academic Levels:
174 credit hours

see all study programs



Product Design


Media Design
and Graphics


Interior Design
and Furniture




and Television


and Glass


and Fashion


Fundamentals of
Applied Arts


The graduate will be able to work in the following areas:

  • Product Design
  • Media Design and Graphics
  • Interior Design and Furniture
  • Textile
  • Cinematography and Television
  • Ceramics and Glass
  • Apparel and Fashion

Study plan


 No. of credit hours of coursesPercentageOverride ratioscredit hours
1Social sciences and humanities:8%%9- 715-12
2Basic and technical sciences20%%20-1834-30
3Basic specialized scientific sciences32%%32-2855-48
4Optional  specialized scientific sciences19%%22-2038-34
5Practical/Field Training:8%%8- 614-10
6computer graphic courses7%%8- 614-10
7Free courses6%%8- 614-10

Foundation Level


First SemesterFoundation Level One

Course Code

Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
BAS001Design Basics14535050100
BAS004Nature Drawing14535050100
BAS008Creative Thinking22433030401002
BAS014Intro to Applied Arts123250501002
Total of weekly credit hours9182718   700 
Second Semester Foundation Level One
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
BAS005 Drafting 2 4 6 4 50 50 100 4
BAS007 Design Methods 1 2 3 2 30 30 40 100 2
BAS009 Meuseum studies 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
BAS011 chemistry 1 2 3 2 50 50 100 2
HUM 001 Linguistics (1) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100 2
COM001 Computer Graphics 1 2 4 6 4 50 50 100 2
Total of weekly credit hours 8 16 24 16       600  

Product Design Program


First SemesterLevel Two



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PRD001Design Techniques14535050100
PRD002Product Design Culture12325050100
PRD003Production Engineering (1)123250501002
PRDxxxElective Course22250501002
PRDxxxElective Course22250501002
HUM006History of Art (1)22250501002
COM002Computer Graphics (2)246450501002
Total of weekly credit hours11122317   700 


Elective Courses

Design Trends


Creativity Techniques PRD031

Smart Materials


Second SemesterLevel Two



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PRD004Technical Drawings12325050100
PRD005Design history123250501002
PRD006Product design (1)14535050100
PRDxxxSupplementary course22250501002
PRDxxxSupplementary course22250501002
PRD027Training 14425050100
BAS002Still  life12325050100
HUM002Linguistics (2)123250501002
Total of weekly credit hours9182617   800 


Elective Courses

Production Processes PRD033

Measurements & Calibration


Design Ethics


First SemesterLevel Three



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Exam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PRD007Product Design  (2)14535050100
PRD008Modeling & Simulation12325050100
PRD009Production Engineering (2)123250501002
PRDxxxElective Course22250501002
PRDxxxElective Course22250501002
HUM007History of Art (2)22250501002
COM003Computer Graphics246450501002
Total of weekly credit hours11122317   700 


Elective Courses



Research& Development


Strength of Materials


Second SemesterLevel Three
Course CodeCourse NameWeekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PRD010Design Visualization12325050100
PRD011Product Design (3)4425050100
PRD012Design management123250501002
PRDxxxElective Course22250501002
PRDxxxElective Course22250501002
PRD028Training 24425050100
BAS003Life drawing4425050100
FREXXXFree Course224350501002
Total of weekly credit hours8182617   800 


Elective Courses





Rapid Prototyping


First SemesterLevel Four



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PRD013Ergonomics 112325050100
PRD014Industrial design 112325050100
PRD015interactive design12325050100
PRDxxxElective Course22250501002
PRDxxxElective Course22250501002
FREXXXFree Course 2224350501002
BAS009Art& appreciation22250501002
Total of weekly credit hours1382117   800 


Elective Courses

reproduction and cloning PRD042Digital manufacturing PRD043

Universal Design


Second Semester Level Four
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
PRD016 Industrial design 2 1 2 3 3 50 50 100
PRD017 Special needs Design 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
PRD018 Environmental Design 1 2 3 2 50 50 100 2
PRDxxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
PRDxxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
PRD029 Training 3 4 4 2 50 50 100
FREXXX Free Course 3 2 2 4 3 50 50 100 2
HUM003 Environmental studies 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
Total of weekly credit hours 11 12 23         800  
  Elective Courses Casting PRD045 Virtual Reality PRD046 Nano Technology PRD047
First SemesterLevel Five



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PRD019Computer aided maufacuring145350501002
PRD020renewable and sustainable energy123250501002
PRD021Design research12325050100
PRDxxxElective Course22250501002
PRDxxxElective Course22250501002
PRD025Project 116745050100
HUM003Human Rights22250501002
Total of weekly credit hours10142417   700 


Elective Courses



Advanced Technology PRD049

Sustainable design


Second SemesterLevel Five



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Exam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PRD022Product Visualization24645050100
PRD023Design process management123250501002
PRD024Ergonomics 214535050100
PRDxxxElective Course22250501002
PRDxxxElective Course22250501002
PRD026Project 216745050100
Total of weekly credit hours9162517   600 


Elective Courses

Packaging technology


Design economics




Media Design and Graphics Program


Exam hours      
Total Written Oral CW Credit Total Tutorial Lecture Course Name Code
100 50 50 3 5 4 1 Graphic design fundementals MDP001
100 50 50 2 3 2 1 Info and sign design MDP002
100 50 50 2 3 2 1 Visual Thinking MDP003
2 100 50 50 2 2 2 Elective Course MDPxxx
2 100 50 50 2 2 2 Elective Course MDPxxx
2 100 50 50 2 2 2 History of Art (1) HUM004
2 100 50 50 4 6 4 2 Computer Graphics (2) COM002
  700       17 22 10 12 Total weekly hours
Illustartion PRD032 Digital design for printing  MDP031 Color separation MDP030 Elective  Course
Exam hours   
TotalWrittenOralCWCreditTotalTutorialLectureCourse NameCode
210050502321History of media design MDP005
210050502321Color TheoryMDP006
21005050222Supplementary courseMDPxxx
21005050222Supplementary courseMDPxxx
10050502321Still  lifeBAS002
210050502321Linguistics (2)HUM004
 800   1725169Total weekly hours

Consumer behavior


Printing and media marketing


Communication Design MDP033Elective Course
Exam hours   
TotalWrittenOralCWCreditTotalTutorialLectureCourse NameCode
10050503541Outdoor advertisingMDP007
10050502321Graphic DesignMDP008
21005050222Elective CourseMDPxxx
21005050222Elective CourseMDPxxx
21005050222History of Art (2)HUM007
210050504642Computer GraphicsCOM003
 700   17241212Total weekly hours



Advertising Ergonomics


Printing Ergonomics


Elective  Course
Exam hours   
TotalWrittenOralCWCreditTotalTutorialLectureCourse NameCode
10050502321Logo/ Branding DesignMDP010
10050502321Journalism Advertising DesignMDP011
210050502321Creative Advertising MDP012
21005050222Elective CourseMDPxxx
21005050222Elective CourseMDPxxx
1005050244Training 2MDP028
1005050244Life drawingBAS003
210050502222Free CourseFREXXX
 800   17241212Total weekly hours

Advertising Technology


Digital Photography


Media Secure


Elective  Course
Exam hours   
TotalWrittenOralCWCreditTotalTutorialLectureCourse NameCode
10050502321Printing Systems 1MDP013
10050502321Interactive Advertising MDP014
2100 50502321Quality Assurance MDP015
21005050222Elective CourseMDPxxx
21005050222Elective CourseMDPxxx
210050502222Free Course 2FREXXX
21005050222Art& appreciationBAS009
 800   17241212Total weekly hours

Advertising, Printing and Packaging legislations


Optical Physics


Journalism Design


Elective  Course
Exam hours   
TotalWrittenOralCWCreditTotalTutorialLectureCourse NameCode
100505023213D Media TechnologyMDP016
10050502321Digital Media TechnologyMDP017
210050502321Web DesignMDP018
21005050222Elective CourseMDPxxx
21005050222Elective CourseMDPxxx
1005050244Training 3MDP029
210050502222Free Course 3FREXXX
21005050222Environmental studiesHUM003
 700   17241212Total weekly hours

 Effective Presentation Skils


Corporate Identity Design


Color In Visual Communication



Elective  Course

Exam hours   
TotalWrittenOralCWCreditTotalTutorialLectureCourse NameCode
10050502321Printing Systems 2MDP019
210050502321Digital Printing SystemsMDP020
10050503541Book DesignMDP021
21005050222Elective CourseMDPxxx
21005050222Elective CourseMDPxxx
10050504761Project 1MDP025
21005050222Human RightsHUM003
 700   17241212Total weekly hours

Packaging Technology


Digital Media Strategies MDP049

Visual Investigation


Elective  Course
Exam hours      
Total Written Oral CW Credit Total Tutorial Lecture Course Name Code
2 100 50 50 3 3 2 1 Press Management MDP022
2 100 50 50 3 5 4 1 Print and Packaging Economics MDP023
2 100 50 50 3 5 4 1 Packaging design MDP024
2 100 50 50 2 2 2 Elective Course MDPxxx
2 100 50 50 2 2 2 Elective Course MDPxxx
100 50 50 4 7 6 1 Project 2 MDP026
  600       17 24 12 12 Total weekly hours
Secure Printing MDP053 Environmental Engineering MDP052 Advanced Packaging Design MDP051 Elective  Course

Interior design and Furniture Program


First Semester Level Two



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly Hours Grades Distribution




Exam Hours

LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
INT001Interior Fundamentals  145350501004
INT002Interior Design Residential (1)123250501004
INT003Architectural Drawing (1)123250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
HUM004History of Art (1)22250501002
COM002Computer Graphic (2)246450501002
Total of weekly credit hours     11      12     23      17                                 700


Selective Courses

Multipurpose Furniture Design INT030Conceptual Design & Presentation INT031

Color Theory


Second Semester Level  Two



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly Hours Grades Distribution




Exam Hours

LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
INT004Interior Design Residential (2)145350501004
INT005Architectural Drawing (2)123250501004
INT017Interior perspective123250501003
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
INT027Training (1)4425050100
BAS002Still life4425050100
HUM002Linguistics (2)123250501002
Total of weekly credit hours    8      18      26      17                                  700
Selective CoursesTechnical Drawing INT033Interior Lighting systems INT034Furniture Materials INT035
First Semester Level Three



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly Hours Grades Distribution




Exam Hours

LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
INT007Interior Design Commercial (1)145350501004
INT008Surface Furniture Design123250501004
INT009History of Interior Design (1)22250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
HUM005History of Art (2)22250501002
COM003Computer Graphic (3)246450501002
Total of weekly credit hours  12     10      22      17                                   700
Selective CoursesFurniture Production Technology INT036Scenes Design INT037Research of Interior Design INT038
Second Semester Level Three



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly Hours Grades Distribution




Exam Hours

LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
INT010Interior Design Commercial (2)123250501004
INT011History of Interior Design (2)123250501003
INT012Interior Design Theories123250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
INT028Training (2)4425050100
BAS003Life Drawing4425050100
FREXXXFree Course (1)224350501002
Total of weekly credit hours    9      16      25      17                                  800


Selective Courses

Economics of Interior design INT040Air conditioning and ventilation systems INT039Product Marketing INT041
First Semester Level  Four



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly Hours Grades Distribution




Exam Hours

LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
INT013Interior Design Administrative (1)123250501004
INT014Structure Furniture Design123250501004
INT015Architectural Design (1)123250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
FREXXXFree Course (2)224350501002
BAS009Art Appreciation & Criticism 22250501002
Total of weekly credit hours        13      8       21       17                                        800
Selective CoursesInterior design Operations Management INT042Interior design Quality control INT043Landscape Design INT044
Second SemesterLevel Four



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades Distribution




Exam Hours

LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
INT016Interior Design Administrative (2)123250501004
INT006Ergonomics of interior Design123250501003
INT021Materials of Interior Design123250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
INT029Training (3)4425050100
FREXXXFree Course (3)224350501002
HUM003Environmental Studies22250501002
Total of weekly credit hours         11     12     23       17                                800


Selective Courses

Environmental design INT045Cinema Scenes Design INT046Sustainable design INT047
First Semester Level  Five



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly Hours Grades Distribution



Exam Hours

LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
INT019Interior Design of Hospitality buildings145350501004
INT020Architectural Design (2)123250501004
INT022Modern trends of Interior Design123250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
INTxxxSelective Course22250501002
INT025Graduation project (1)16745050100
HUM006Human rights 22250501002
Total of weekly credit hours    10      14     24       17                                700
Selective CoursesStandards of Interior design INT048Standards of furniture design INT049Interior lighting Design INT050
Second Semester Level Five
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution       Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
INT018 Costs and Specifications 1 4 5 3 50 50 100 4
INT023 Production Technology 1 4 5 3 50 50 100 2  
INT024 Analysis and Evaluation of Interior design 1 4 5 3 50 50 100 2
INTxxx Selective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
INTxxx Selective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
INT026 Graduation project (2) 1 6 7 4 50 50 100
Total of weekly credit hours     8      18      26     17                                  700
Selective Courses Interior design for special needs INT051 Furniture Advanced Techniques INT052 Sustainable Interior Design INT053

Textile Program


First Semester Level Two
Course CodeCourse NameWeekly Hours Grades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
TEX001Textile Materials224350501002
TEX002Textile Structure (1)123250501002
TEX003Textile Design Theory12325050100
TEXxxxElective Course22250501002
TEXxxxElective Course22250501002
HUM006History of Art (1)22250501002
COM002Computer Graphics (2)246450501002
Total of weekly credit hours12102417Total Semester Grades700 
Elective Courses

Textile Terminology



Floor-Coverings Production Technology

Applied Statistics



Second Semester Level Two
Course CodeCourse NameWeekly Hours Grades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
TEX004Textile Design (1)14535050100
TEX005Textile Mathematics123250501002
TEX006Textile Preparation Machines224350501002
TEX027Training (1)4425050100
TEXxxxElective Course22250501002
TEXxxxElective Course22250501002
BAS002Still Life12325050100
HUM004Linguistics (2)123250501002
Total of weekly credit hours10162618Total Semester Grades800 
Elective Courses

History of Textile



Textile Preparation and Dying Technology

Textile Materials (2)



                First Semester Level Three
Course CodeCourse NameWeekly Hours Grades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
TEX007Textile Structure (2)123250501002
TEX008Textile Machines (1)123250501002
TEX009Textile Printing Design (1)14535050100
TEXxxxElective Course22250501002
TEXxxxElective Course22250501002
HUM007History of Art (2)22250501002
COM003Computer Graphics (3)                    246450501002
Total of weekly credit hours11122317Total Semester Grades700 
Elective Courses

Industrial safety



Reports writing



Polymers and textile fibers



Second Semester Level Three



Course NameWeekly Hours Grades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
TEX010Textile Design (2)   12325050100
TEX011Textile Analysis (1)123250501002
TEX012Spinning Technology (1)22250 501002
TEX028Training (2)4425050100
TEXxxxElective Course2250501002
TEXxxxElective Course2250501002
BAS003Life Drawing123250501002
FRExxxFree Course224350501002
Total of weekly credit hours11122317Total Semester Grades800 
Elective Courses

Non-Woven Fabrics (1)



Carpets Production Technology


Environmental Quality Systems


First Semester Level Four
Course CodeCourse NameWeekly Hours Grades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
TEX014Textile Printing Design (2)12325050100
TEX013Textile Structure (3)123250501002
TEX015Knitting Technology123250501002
TEXxxxElective Course22250501002
TEXxxxElective Course22250501002
FRExxxFree Course224350501002
BAS009Art Appreciation and Criticism22250501002
Total of weekly credit hours1382117Total Semester Grades700 
Elective CoursesDesign Economics
Non-woven fabrics (2)

Textile finishing


Second Semester Level Four
Course Code Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
TEX016 Textile Machines (2) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100 2
TEX017 Textile Physics (1) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100 2
TEX018 Textile Analysis (2) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100 2
TEX029 Training (3) 4 4 2 50 50 100
TEXxxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
TEXxxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
FRExxx Free Course 2 2 4 3 50 50 100 2
HUM003 Human Studies 1 2 3 2 50 50 100 2
Total of weekly credit hours 10 14 24 17 Total Semester Grades 800  
Elective Courses Project Management   TEX050 Textile Production Marketing and Management TEX045 Special Textiles Technology T0EX046
First Semester Level Five
Course CodeCourse NameWeekly Hours Grades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
TEX019Textile Testing123250501002
TEX020Textile design (3)14535050100
TEX021Fibers Chemical and Physical Properties123250501002
TEXxxxElective Course22250501002
TEXxxxElective Course22250501002
TEX025Graduation Project (1)16745050100
HUM006Human Rights22250501002
Total of weekly credit hours10142417Total Semester Grades700 
Elective CoursesKnitting Technology
Production Cost and Finance
Textile Physics (2)
Second Semester Level Five
Course CodeCourse NameWeekly Hours Grades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
TEX022Textile Preparation22435050100
TEX023Textile Printing Technology224350501002
TEX024Dying Technology224350 501002
TEX026Graduation Project (2)16745050100
TEXxxxElective Course22250501002
TEXxxxElective Course22250501002
Total of weekly credit hours11122317Total Semester Grades800 
Elective Courses

Total Quality Management



Research and Development Management
Smart Materials and Nano-Technology

Cinematography and Television Program


First SemesterLevel Two


Course Code


Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades Distribution



LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PHO001Photography Fundamentals22435050100
PHO002Introduction to Television Production123250501002
PHO003Introduction to Cinema Production123250501002
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
HUM004History of Art (1)22250501002
COM002Computer Graphics (2)246450501002
Total of weekly credit hours                                                         12    10    22    17                                     700


Elective Courses


Film Analysis


Photography Composition


Cinema laboratory

Second SemesterLevel Two


Course Code


Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades Distribution



LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PHO004Digital Photography12325050100
PHO005Cinema Production Technology (1)224350501002
PHO006Television Production Technology123250501002
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
PHO027Training  (1)4425050100
BAS002Still  life4425050100
HUM002Linguistics (2)123250501002
Total of weekly credit hours                                                          9       16    25     17                                   800


Elective Courses




Creative Photography


Nature Photography

First SemesterLevel Three


Course Code


Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades Distribution 
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PHO014Shooting & Lighting for Television (1)12325050100
PHO019Cinematography&  Lighting22435050100
PHO009Photography Lighting123250501002
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
HUM002History of Art (2)22250501002
COM003Computer Graphics (3)246450501002
Total of weekly credit hours                                                         12    10    22    17                                     700


Elective Courses


Photographic Laboratory


cinema Cameras


Electrical Engineering Electronics

Second SemesterLevel Three


Course Code


Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades Distribution



LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal



Portrait Photography





Cinema Production Technology (2)


PHO012Documentary Television12325050100
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
PHO028Training  (2)4425050100
BAS003Life drawing4425050100
FREXXXFree Course (1)224350501002
Total of weekly credit hours                                                         9       16    25     17                                   800


Elective Courses


Script Writing & Directing



Photometry & Calorimetry



Advanced Creative Photography

First SemesterLevel Three


Course Code


Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades Distribution



LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PHO013Photojournalism     50100
PHO018Commercial Television12325050100
PHO015Digital Cinema12325050100
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
FREXXXFree Course 2224350501002
BAS009Art& appreciation22250501002
Total of weekly credit hours                                                          13          8       21     17                                   800


Elective Courses


Cinema & Television Decoration


Video Art


Television Cameras

Second SemesterLevel Four


Course Code


Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades Distribution



LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PHO016(1)Photography Commercial12325050100 
PHO017Shooting & Lighting for Television (2 )12325050100 
PHO011Advanced TV Advertising12325050100 
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002 
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002 
PHO029Training  (3)4425050100 
FREXXXFree Course 3224350501002 
HUM003Environmental studies123250501002 
Total of weekly credit hours                                                            10     14     24     17                                   800
Elective Courses


Communication Theories


Radio Engineering


Large Cameras Format

First SemesterLevel Five


Course Code


Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades Distribution



LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PHO008Film Special Effects12325050100
PHO020Commercial Photography (2)12325050100
PHO021Scientific /Educational Photography224350501002
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
PHO025Project 116745050100
HUM003Human Rights22250501002
                Total of weekly credit hours                                                          11      12          23    17                                  700


Elective Courses


Media Laws




Digital Editing

Second SemesterLevel Five


Course Code


Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades Distribution



LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
PHO022Documentary Film22435050100
PHO023Educational Television22435050100
PHO024Advanced Photojournalism22435050100
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
PHOxxxElective Course22250501002
PHO026Project 216745050100
Total of weekly credit hours                                                             11     12     23     17                                   600


Elective Courses


Lighting for Programs & Shows


Visual semiotics


Production management

Apparel and Fashion Program


First SemesterLevel Two



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
GAR001Fundamentals of Fashion Drawing12325050100
GAR002History of Fashion123250501002
GAR003Textile Chemistry224350501002
GARxxxElective Course22250501002
GARxxxElective Course22250501002
HUM004History of Art (1)22250501002
COM002Computer Graphics (2)246450501002
Total of weekly credit hours12102217   700 


Elective Courses

Supplements of Clothing


Theory of Clothing Design GAR031

Heritage Clothes


Second Semester Level Two
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
GAR004 Fundamentals of Fashion Design 1 4 5 3 50 50 100
GAR005 Patterns of Kids Clothing 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GAR006 Technology of Clothing Machines 1 2 3 2 50 50 100 2
GARxxx Supplementary course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GARxxx Supplementary course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GAR027 Training (1) 4 4 2 50 50 100
BAS002 Still  life 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
HUM002 Linguistics (2) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100 2
Total of weekly credit hours 8 18 26 17       800  
  Elective Courses Clothing physiology GAR033 Kids Clothing Manufacturing GAR034 Production Technology of Knitwear GAR035
First Semester Level Three
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
GAR007 Children Fashion Design 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GAR008 Jewelery Design 1 2 2 2 50 50 100
GAR009 Draping 1 4 5 3 50 50 100
GARxxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GARxxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
HUM005 History of Art (2) 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
COM003 Computer Graphics (3) 2 4 6 4 50 50 100 2
Total of weekly credit hours 12 10 22 17       700  
  Elective Courses Apparel Interlinning Production GAR036 Leather Production Technology GAR037 Clothing Analysis GAR038
Second SemesterLevel Three



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
GAR010Fashion Trend Analysis12325050100
GAR011Apparel Fabrics Technology123250501002
GAR012Patterns of Men Clothing12325050100
GARxxxElective Course22250501002
GARxxxElective Course22250501002
GAR028Training 24425050100
BAS003Life drawing4425050100
FREXXXFree Course (1)224350501002
Total of weekly credit hours9162517   800 
Elective Courses

Marketing Research


Costume Design


Menˈs Clothing Manufacturing


First SemesterLevel  Four



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
GAR013Menˈs Clothing Design12325050100
GAR014Clothing Production Management22250501002
GAR015Fixtures Production123250501002
GARxxxElective Course22250501002
GARxxxElective Course22250501002
FREXXXFree Course (2)224350501002
BAS009Art& appreciation22250501002
Total of weekly credit hours1462017   800 
Elective Courses

Clothing Design Management


Brand Management


           Haute Couture


Second SemesterLevel Four



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
GAR016Occasions Clothing Design12325050100
GAR017Patterns of Women Clothing12325050100
GAR018Printing and Dying Technology123250501002
GARxxxElective Course22250501002
GARxxxElective Course22250501002
GAR029Training (3)4425050100
FREXXXFree Course (3)224350501002
HUM003Environmental studies22250501002
Total of weekly credit hours11122317   700 
Elective Courses

Smart Clothing Techmology


Coats Production


Packing & Visual  Merchandising


First SemesterLevel Five



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
GAR019Womenˈs Clothing Design12325050100
GAR020Quality Control 123250501002
GAR021Jewelery Design214535050100
GARxxxElective Course22250501002
GARxxxElective Course22250501002
GAR025Graduation Project (1)16745050100
HUM006Human Rights22250501002
Total of weekly credit hours10142417   700 
Elective Courses

Advanced Jewelery


CAD Flat Pattern


Womenˈs Clothing Manufacturing


Second SemesterLevel Five



Course Code



Course Name

Weekly HoursGrades DistributionExam Hours
LectureTutorialTotalCredit HoursWorkEvaluationExamTotal
GAR022Computer Aided Fashion Design14535050100
GAR023Design Economics224350501002
GAR024Ready-Made Garements Technology224350501002
GARxxxElective Course22250501002
GARxxxElective Course22250501002
GAR026Graduation Project (2)16745050100
Total of weekly credit hours10142417   600 
Elective Courses

Embroidery Technology


Accessories Design


Clothing Promotion


Ceramics and Glass Program


First Semester Level Two
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
GLS001 Design Fundamentals 1 4 5 3 50 50 100
GLS002 Manual Ceramics forming 1 4 5 3 50 50 100
GLS003 Artistic Glass (1) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
HUM006 History of Art (1) 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
COM002 Computer Graphics (2) 2 4 6 4 50 50 100 2
Total of weekly credit hours 11 14 25 18       700  
Elective Courses Design visualization GLS030 technology of mould production GLS031 Mould technology GLS032  
Second Semester Level Two
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
GLS004 Glass manufacturing (1) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS005 Artistic Ceramic Design (1) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS006 Industrial  Glass Design (1) 1 4 5 3 50 50 100
GLS xxx Supplementary course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS xxx Supplementary course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS 027 Training 1 4 4 2 50 50 100
BAS002 Still  life 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
HUM002 Linguistics (2) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100 2
Total of weekly credit hours 9 16 25 17       800  
Elective Courses Glass design theory GLS035    Technical drawing  GLS034 Glass design fundamental  GLS033
First Semester Level Three
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
GLS007 Fundamentals of 3D Ceramic Design 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS008 ceramic production technology(1) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS009 Artistic Glass Design (2) 1 4 5 3 50 50 100
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
HUM007 History of Art (2) 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
COM003 Computer Graphics 2 4 6 4 50 50 100 2
Total of weekly credit hours 11 12 23 17       700  
Elective Courses Human Factors  GLS036   GLS037  Ceramics material testing Special Firing techniques GLS038
Second Semester Level Three
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
GLS010 Industrial Glass Design (2) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS011 Glass moulds design 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS012 Tableware design 1 2 3 2 50 50 100 2
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS 028 Training 2 4 4 2 50 50 100
BAS003 Life drawing 4 4 2 50 50 100
FREXXX Free Course 2 2 4 3 50 50 100 2
Total of weekly credit hours 9 16 25 17       800  
Elective Courses Glass products ergonomics GLS039 Glass Mould technology GLS040 Glass Production machinery GLS041
First Semester Level Four
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
GLS013 Mural Design 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS014 Ecological ceramics 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS015 Sanitary ware design (1)  1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
FREXXX Free Course 2 2 2 4 3 50 50 100 2
HUM007 Marketing 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
BAS009 Art& appreciation 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
Total of weekly credit hours 13 8 21 17       800  
Elective Courses Special glazing techniques  GLS042 Ceramics  production technology GLS043 Specifications and standards ( GLS044)
Second Semester Level Four
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
GLS016 Architectural glass design(1) 1 2 3 3 50 50 100
GLS017 Glass manufacturing (2) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS018 Glass manufacturing process 1 2 3 2 50 50 100 2
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS 029 Training 3 4 4 2 50 50 100
FREXXX Free Course 3 2 2 4 3 50 50 100 2
HUM003 Environmental studies 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
Total of weekly credit hours 11 12 23 18       800  
Elective Courses Glass material analysis GLS045 Glass system and structure GLS046 Feasibility studies  GLS047
First Semester Level Five
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
GLS019 Ceramics design 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS020 Glazing technology (1) 1 2 3 2 50 50 100
GLS021 Architectural glass design(2) 1 4 5 3 50 50 100 2
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS 025 Project 1 1 6 7 4 50 50 100
HUM003 Human Rights 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
Total of weekly credit hours 10 14 24 17       700  
Elective Courses Design management GLS048 Quality control  GLS049   GLS050  Smart ceramics
Second Semester Level Five
    Course Code     Course Name Weekly Hours Grades Distribution Exam Exam Hours
Lecture Tutorial Total Credit Hours Work Evaluation Exam Total
GLS022 Glass Manufacturing (4) 1 4 5 3 50 50 100
GLS023 Glass melting and fusing technology 2 2 4 3 50 50 100 2
GLS024 Sanitary ware design (2)  1 4 5 3 50 50 100
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS xxx Elective Course 2 2 2 50 50 100 2
GLS 026 Project 2 1 6 7 4 50 50 100
Total of weekly credit hours 9 16 25 17       600  
Elective Courses Glass Management and marketing  GLS051 Glass furnace technology  GLS052 Ecological glass GLS052

Product Design Department


NameFaculty Members 
Dr. Wesam Onsy IbrahimHead of Department ProfessorChairman
Dr. Mohamed Mohamed RiadAssistant ProfessorCouncil
Dr.Islam Elsaied GaribAssistant Professor
Diaa Hamdy FaroukInstructorStaff Members
Heba Rabie AmierInstructor
Mai Mohamed Abou ElyazedInstructor
Aya el said AbdallahInstructor
Nada Abdel Moeaz RamadanInstructor
Ahmed Khaled Saead zahranInstructor
Menna Alah MohsenInstructor
Aya SolimanInstructor
Mariam HossamInstructor
Ahmed Tarek Mohamed FathyInstructor
Doaa MohamedInstructor
Yasmin HashemInstructor
Ahmed GamelInstructor
Mohamed AbdAllahInstructor

Media Design and Graphics Department


NameFaculty Members 
Prof. Dr. Tamer Abdellatif AbdelrazekDeanChairman
Prof. Dr. Heba Amir Ahmed KhalelVice DeanCouncil
Prof. Dr. Gihan Hussein Wahba ElrifyHead of Department Professor
Prof. Dr. Khaled Talaat YousefProfessor
Dr. Nagwan FathyAssistant Professor
Dr. Moustafa MahmoudLecturer
Omnia Mohamed RaafatInstructorStaff Members
Munyah Elhamy el NabulsiInstructor
Abeer Ezzat AzmyInstructor
Rasha Saber MokhtarInstructor
Manal Mohamed Mohamed SalahInstructor
Menna Allah Abdallah AlwarrakInstructor
Nahla Alaa el Dien Abd el kaderInstructor
Salma Hamdy SolimanInstructor
Mohamed MostafaInstructor

Interior Design and Furniture Department


NameFaculty Members 
Dr. Wael RafaatHead of Department ProfessorChairman
Dr. Asmaa Abd El GawadProfessorCouncil
Dr. Tamer AliLecturer
Dr. Shimaa Atef KoraLecturer
Ahmed El saead Abdel azizInstructorStaff Members
Samah Naser NabilInstructor
Karim SamirInstructor
Mai Mohamed salemInstructor
Aya Ashraf MohamedInstructor
Karim SamirInstructor
Ashraf Ibrahem SrourInstructor
Ahmed Salah Ahmed MohamedInstructor
Alaa MostafaInstructor
Nada El Zanaty Abdel motelebInstructor
Mohamed El Shahat MohamedInstructor
Nada Refaat El saiedInstructor
Anas Ayaman AlyInstructor

Textile Department


NameFaculty Members 
Dr. Tamer Farouk KhalifaVice DeanChairman
Dr. Mohamed Abd El GawadHead of DepartmentCouncil
Dr. Khaled MansourProfessor
Dr. Gamal RadwanProfessor
Dr. Heba Abd El SalamLecturerStaff Members
Ahmed Ibrahim EmaraInstructor
Esraa Mahmoud Abdel kaderInstructor
Eman Taher AhmedInstructor
Ahmed Osama MahmoudInstructor
Manal Salah MohamedInstructor
Sheren Shaker Abo bashaInstructor
Sama Abdel rahemInstructor
Ghadeer YassinInstructor

Cinematography and Television Department


NameFaculty Members 
Dr. Samah Gamal MohamedHead of DepartmentChairman
Esraa Ahmed HussenInstructorCouncil
Ahmed Mahmoud Ali AbdelmohsenInstructorStaff Members
Shimaa Magdy RamadanInstructor
Zahra Galal HelmyInstructor

Ceramics and Glass Department


NameFaculty Members 
Dr.Ola HamdyHead of DepartmentChairman
Dr.Marwa ElsadekLecturerCouncil
Ahmed Mostafa Mohamed El ShazlyInstructorStaff Members
Marina MorkosInstructor

Apparel and Fashion Department


NameFaculty Members 
Dr. Ahmed Fathy PebarsLecturerChairman
Asmaa Salah EsmailInstructorCouncil
Maha Hamdy Abo GhaliInstructorStaff Members

Fundamentals of Applied Arts Department


NameFaculty Members 
Dr. Doaa HatemProfessorChairman
Dr. Manal HelalProfessorCouncil
Dr. Heba Tullah Osman ZohnyAssistant Professor
Dr. Nihad SadekLecturerStaff Members
Dr. Nermin SaeedLecturer
Dr. Mohamed El HamahamyLecturer
Marwa Mohamed El sawyInstructor
Mona Omar Abdel azizInstructor
Nourhan Helal HelalInstructor
Rawan Reda AtefInstructor
Mariem Mostafa AhmedInstructor
Omnia Mohy SarhanInstructor
Yara Mohamed MohamedInstructor
Ola Fawzi AmenInstructor
Mai Mohamed HussienInstructor
Heba Saied HashemInstructor




Product Design Program

  • Industrial and Product Designer
  • Industrial Product Manufacturers
  • Domestic Product Manufacturers
  • Vehicle and Transportation Manufacturers
  • Digital and Interactive Product Designer
  • Product Design for the special needs
  • Ecological and Environmental Product designer
  • CAD Technician
  • Exhibition and Production Designer
  • Production and Purchasing Manager

Media Design and Graphics Program

  • Art and Creative Director
  • Drafter (Architecture and Engineering)
  • Film and Video Editor
  • Graphic Designer
  • Product Packaging Designer
  • Marketing Manager
  • Multimedia Artist/Animator
  • Technical Support Manager
  • Web Designer
  • Print House Manager
  • Prepress Operations Manager
  • Advertising Designer

Interior Design and Furniture Program

  • Interior Decorators
  • Corporate Designers
  • Furniture Designers
  • Furniture Arrangers
  • Touristic Sites Designers
  • Residential Designers
  • Healthcare Designers
  • Home Lighting Advisers
  • Kitchen and Bath Designers
  • Sustainable Designers

Textile Program

  • Textile industries and textile design studios
  • Textile manufacturing companies, as a Merchandiser or Stylist
  • Garment manufacturers firms
  • Self-employed, as a consultant or doing freelance work
  • Quality Engineer in textile manufacturing companies

Cinematography and Television Program

  • Exhibiting Artists
  • Most photography-related professions
  • Cameramen and Camera Directors in TV and Cinema

Ceramics and Glass Program

  • Tableware and Cookware Manufacturing Firm’s Designer
  • Sanitary Ware Manufacturing Firm’s Designer
  • Porcelain, China and Stoneware Manufacturing Firm’s Designer
  • Ceramics Artist, Modeler and Sculptor

Apparel and Fashion Program

  • Garments and Mass Manufactured Fashion Designer
  • Ready-to-wear Designer (prêt-à-porter)
  • One-off garments for the catwalk (Haute couture)
  • Marketing, Finances and Business Activities Managers
  • TV and Cinema Costume Designers
  • Clothing Manufacturing Engineers

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